This blog is to keep you up to date about what's going on in the french fam. As we move north to the frozen tundra of Minnesota (it's no really that least not in July) we will try to keep in touch with all those we will miss so much in various places. We'll try to update at least every two weeks so keep coming back for more info! Happy blogging!

Friday, December 01, 2006

Northern Exposure

Thankful, Very Thankful

Well, we made it through Thanksgiving and are speeding toward the end of the semester and Christmas! Praise the Lord!
i trust all of you had a wonderful time giving thanks to our great God who blesses us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ and who is faithful to provide for our needs according to His riches in glory.
We traveled 8 hours or so to Lawrence, KS to be with my family. 16 people under one roof!!!
We had a good time though it seemed short.
i got to play golf...a rarity these days and saw KU play basketball one night. (they won)
Anjel got to go on exercise walks and Andrew, well, he was just all over the place. i took a fellow classmate with us. Gabe Gatlin from Louisiana. He has a connection with Tony Megee from Springs of Grace Church in Tulsa. He's a good brother in the Lord and very talented video tech guy. He's working for Desiring God doing various video editing projects, so if you see the preaching videos online, you're probably seeing some of his work.
Classes are still plugging away and a few big assignments are coming up so pray i will remember everything we've studied so far...yeah, right! pray that i pass!
i'm still leading on wed. nights at the north campus and sunday mornings at Immanuel. After Christmas break i will more than likely initiate working with a worship team at Immanuel so you can pray for wisdom and discernment on moving forward there. i feel my time is limited there and so i want to do what i can to serve them well, in the Lord. They are a great group of people! Please pray for them as well as they are undergoing the enormous task of finding a new Preaching Pastor.
God has been good to provide more income in the form of a few more lessons downtown and we are trusting Him to take care of our every need.
Two disappointments: Both of the mission trips are a "no go"for me. i can't remember if i mentioned them before but one was to Camaroon to do worship teaching / leading at a seminary there and the second was to help lead Passover Camp in Israel again. i really wanted to go on both trips but the first got canceled and the second was just not working out schedulewise. But i rest in God's sovereignty and He knows best at every turn.
we'll be coming to Oklahoma for Christmas and will stay for a couple of weeks so we would love to see as many of you as possible. We will be in Tahlequah on the 23rd and 24th and then will travel to Skiatook for the 25th-28th and then probably return back to Tahlequah until the 4th of Jan.
We are looking forward to being there and miss it very much.
So, Lord willing and weather permits we will make the trek back down on the 22nd. Pray for safe travel.
We love you all and miss you .
Until then,

the frenchs

P.s. i'm always unsure who is reading this so if you would, please make a quick note and let me know! thanks!