This blog is to keep you up to date about what's going on in the french fam. As we move north to the frozen tundra of Minnesota (it's no really that least not in July) we will try to keep in touch with all those we will miss so much in various places. We'll try to update at least every two weeks so keep coming back for more info! Happy blogging!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Here's our prayer reminder card and new address. We'll be moving the second week of August and classes start for me Sept. 1!
We do need your prayers as this will be a huge transition for us. We trust God will be with us and will go before us as our shield.

We don't have our new phone number yet, but we will conitnue using our current cell number till then. If you don't have it, just email me.
i will have the same email:
as well as a new one from Bethlehem.
But i will maintain both.

So thanks so much for your prayers
and we will do our best to keep in touch!


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