This blog is to keep you up to date about what's going on in the french fam. As we move north to the frozen tundra of Minnesota (it's no really that least not in July) we will try to keep in touch with all those we will miss so much in various places. We'll try to update at least every two weeks so keep coming back for more info! Happy blogging!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

well, we just got back from the store...
super target this time. we're getting around ok.
at least while i'm driving...anj is not quite ready to go solo yet, but she'll get there. she keeps insisting that all she needs is a gps system in the car and she'll be ok. andrew's in bed and is growing up way too fast for us. it seems he changes everyday and there's nothing we can do to slow him down...but that's the way it's supposed to be. life is a vapor.

we went to church today. well, anjel went to church. after the singing time, andrew needed to get out and walk around for a bit so we took a tour around the facilities and got aquainted with the surroundings. Next week, we'll check out the children's dept. Piper preached on the Lord's Supper. Anj said it was good. i have a meeting with the main worship pastor tomorrow morning to talk about what ministry opps. there are for me here. please pray that i will go where the Lord sends. it rained here today.
we haven't seen rain in a while but it was refreshing. we're still sorting through boxes and it's about to drive us crazy but we're almost least for the main rooms anyway.
we miss you all and love you in Christ...time to bed down.

jason and anjel and andrew

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Northern Exposure

Northern Exposure

Well.....long story, very, very, short.....we're here!

So much has happened in the past four days that a lengthy explanation would take hours. for those of you who want to know some details, just email me.
But i'll just say that the past few days have been among the most difficult i've had in a while....very difficult.
But the Lord has proven faithful again in providing everything we need according to His great mercy and grace.
we have a new address (part of the long story) and Sankie will have the details at the church. But for those of you who want to know here it is: 4315 Douglas Ave. Minneapolis, MN 55416

We got unloaded Thursday with help for Anjel's parents and a few people from Bethlehem (the church). Now we're just sorting through boxes to see what we need and what we can store. i'm sick of boxes. i'm starting to understand a little better why maybe Jesus didn't have a place to lay His head.
He didn't want to have so much stuff to carry around!
He knew He wasn't staying in this world, so why would he live like He was going to be on the earth least not this earth. i think i'm leaning toward Geo. Meuller's sentiment.
He said that at least once in a person's lifetime, you should sell/leave behind everything you own. i don't know where the quote comes from, but i can see how that would make moving a whole lot easier!!!

Anyway, Anjel and Andrew and doing ok. Andrew's been sick since before we left and now Anjel's not feeling great either.
Please pray for grace and healing!

i have a few job opportunities you can pray about and that the Lord would make it clear where he wants me to be.

we have met some great people so far. And it never ceases to amaze me how God's people no matter where there are, always extend their arms to welcome other believers in love.

Jesus said, "they will know you are my disciples, if you love one another." we have definitely felt loved...and not so loved at times, but mostly loved.

We have a few weeks before our new routine sets in, but in the meantime, we'll be learning our way around town and meeting more people.

Please continue to pray for us and please pray for Jon and Amanda Philgreen that the Lord will provide more than they could have imagined.

We love you all and miss you so's not home yet, but we're here, and the Lord is with us.

jason, anjel, and andrew

ps. pictures coming soon!!!

Northern Exposure

Northern Exposure